Yair's HypnoBirth Story

As told by Estee of Philly Hypnobirthing: I was 41 weeks past my estimated due date. I had never had a baby this “late” before. I knew the baby was healthy but was feeling done with being pregnant and the “I am going to be pregnant forever” feeling was very real. I was so grateful to be using Samantha Magpi, who was very trusting in my ability to birth this baby. She would always say, “You’ve done this before… you’ll have your baby any day..”


When I saw the assistant midwife, Krystina, for my 41 week appointment she recommended a bunch of ways to encourage labor. Yes I had already seen my acupuncture and chiropractor, was drinking my raspberry leaf tea and eating my dates, eating spicy foods, did a fear release and was walking regularly. However, she had more to suggest! She suspected my baby’s head wasn’t in perfect position so that Sunday, I sent my kids to their grandparents’ so I could focus on relaxing and doing things to get baby to come out. (My teenagers protested claiming that it wouldn’t be magic that suddenly baby would come because my kids weren’t home. I said we’ll have to see…)

 I did spinning babies techniques and The Miles circuit. I took homeopathic remedies every 15 minutes and an herbal tincture every two hours. I used the breast pump for 2-3 hours to stimulate the oxytocin release. I walked and rested and — whew it was like a full time job focusing on trying to get baby out! That night I took a relaxing bath, then evening primrose oil and went to bed listening to my affirmations, trusting that my body knew what to do and my baby and my body will start labor at exactly the right time. 

Then suddenly at 1 am I woke up feeling that my membranes had released. I was so excited to be finally meeting my baby! I didn’t feel any surges at that point so I went to bed. About an hour or so later some irregular surges started. Around 5am I called Samm to let her know things had started but were irregular. She recommended I start walking around the house and then do some lunges. With my earbuds in my ears playing my affirmations and meditations, I started walking up and down my hallway and immediately my surges fell into a regular pattern of being 4 minutes apart. By 6am I called her back to tell her now would be a good time to come. 

My husband, being the great support person he was, was busy filling up the pool and making sure the room was just right for me to comfortably have my baby. 

At this point my body’s temperature was feeling off— my toes were freezing but my upper body was sweating. Once I got into the warm water of the birth pool, everything felt like it was under a warm blanket— so soothing. 

I kept listening to my meditations and affirmations and stayed breathing and flowing with my body.  Soon the urge to breathe my baby down came. After a few intense breaths I felt myself connect to a higher power and I whispered, “please just let this baby fly out.” Within the next few breaths that’s exactly what happened. At one point he was inside and the next I felt his head and body. And just like that a new life was brought into this world. 8:30 Monday morning December 7, we welcomed baby Yair to our family. We are so delighted to have a newborn in the house again. He is bringing so much love and light to our home and we are so grateful.
