The Birth of Josephine Grace

When I found out I was pregnant I prayed so hard so to find the right midwife since mine is now retired . Sam truly was an answer to all my prayers. She was wonderful to work with. Always respecting patient rights, encouraging me to listen to my body and finding ways to help Nick be involved. With every appointment she took the time to listen to my fears, my progress, my aches and pains and new developments of the month/ week. She’s everything a midwife should be and I could never recommend her enough. Sam I am so thankful for all you do!

The Birth Story-

Days within my “due date” meant every moment I was on edge hoping labor would start. Thursday morning I woke up at 4 am to the tiniest little contraction - I was so happy when I felt it again in 20 mins and again in another 20 mins. ( please let today be the day!)

But hours later the contractions didn’t get closer or stronger. After breakfast I packed the kids in the car and drove to my moms to quilt for the day, got a massage around 2 pm and then began to make my way home - 5 pm and things where still the same- every 20 minutes, the contractions not growing. Emotionally exhausted thinking by now nothing was actually going to happen, I made dinner, took a bath and had Nick put the kids to bed early. Trying to relax and rest I let the hours pass, around 9-9:30 I finally felt some stronger contractions and they started to getting closer together by 11 I finally threw up (my tell tale sign ) and we called in the birthing team- most of team had about an hour drive so hubby and I set up the birthing pool, put on the porch lights and got things ready.

All my gals arrived at midnight and soon after my midwife checked and saw I was 6 cm dilated. This would be the only time she would put me threw this discomfort and later would encourage me to feel baby’s head and progress myself. For the first time I was able to birth on my own terms, no poking, needle jabbing or monitors pressing against into my belly. Instead baby’s heart rate was checked periodically so I had all my freedoms and to labor comfortably, naturally and freely .

After a short amount of time on the birthing ball and throwing up 2 more times it was clear my body was in full transition and I got into the birthing tub. The warm water was such a comfort and even though this was my third labor and these where definitely some of the strongest contractions I had ever had. It was also the only labor that I would experience “pushing the baby down”. This by far was the most work I had ever done birthing (also the shortest amount of time), but was also by far the most rewarding and comfortable.

-I realized through checking myself I could feel baby’s head coming close-after I was physically able to feel baby’s head the most overwhelming peace came over me, you get reminded of the reality of what’s happening- it’s only child birth, your baby is so close you can feel her- she was still in the sack and I was hoping she would be born that way! As she came closer and closer with every breath my water still did not brake - only when she was crowning did it finally burst !

Breathing baby’s head out under water I made sure not to push, I breathed and let my body do the work, for the first time I wasn’t consumed by 6 people crowding my personal space telling me what to do, hands in the way holding the baby’s head.

Sam was so good at being there if she was needed, but encouraging me to do what I felt was good and comfortable.

Holding baby’s head waiting for my next contraction the world seemed to stand still. I was leaning on my side so when the next contraction came I used my hands to support myself and nick and Sam helped catch the rest of baby and put her on my chest.

The moment had come where she had entered this world- no longer tucked away safe in my belly, but exposed to all the dangers the outside has to offer, but also all the joys, like finally being able to be in my arms.

After lots of crying, kissing and crying some more we looked to see if we had a boy or girl. For the first time I wasn’t told- I did the telling. We loved this baby before it was born and kissed her, thanked God for her and cried from overwhelming love before knowing her sex - it was one of the greatest gifts having Sam as my midwife and having this home birth. Those most precious first moments were all ours. No rush to clamp the cord, pull out the placenta , clean the baby etc.

One of the things you will be told to often about child birth is that it’s hard- when instead you should be told that you can do hard things.